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Quick Glossary: Spacetech | TechRepublic

The space industry is witnessing a profound transformation, driven by new technologies and the greater participation of the private sector.

From satellites to weather, agriculture and communications to space connectivity, industrial IoT devices and scientific, government or space exploration missions, the potential is vast.

Ray Fernandez, writing for TechRepublic Premium, presents this spacetech glossary to help you understand the concepts.

Featured text from the glossary:

Command and data subsystem

The ‘brain’ of a spacecraft. Among other things, CDS provides communications to and from the spacecraft. The technology is responsible for receiving commands from Earth, storing data from the spacecraft’s sensors and controlling the spacecraft’s systems. Components of CDS include onboard computers, data storage, telemetry, command receivers and fault detection and recovery systems.

Boost your spacetech knowledge with our epic 24-page PDF glossary. Previously priced at $19, this is now available for download at just $9. Alternatively, enjoy complimentary access with a Premium annual subscription. Click here to find out more.

TIME SAVED: Crafting this content required 40 hours of dedicated writing, editing, research and design.

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