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Sam Manekshaw, popularly known as Sam Bahadur, was the first Indian Army officer promoted to the rank of field marshal, the highest attainable rank in the Indian Army. He was the chief of army staff during the Indo-Pakistani war in 1971 and served the Indian army for four long decades…
People who don’t drink coffee and sit for more than six hours are at 60 per cent higher risk of dying than those drinking coffee and sitting for less than six hours. It sounds absurd, but it’s true. Recently BioMed Central (BMC) Public Health published research in a journal claiming…
Drug abuse is one of the major challenges across the world as it continues to be a significant threat to global health and social well-being. The way drugs are impacting the youths and hampering their potential highlights the urgent need to find a solution to the drug problem. One such…

Sustainable Gastronomy Day 2024: Definition, Significance, Impact On Nature

Sustainable Gastronomy Day Sustainable Gastronomy Day is observed on June 18 every year. The day is celebrated to promote the idea that sustainable gastronomy can play a significant role in achieving sustainable development. Recognizing gastronomy as a form of cultural expression connected to the world’s nature and cultural diversity is…